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Monday Musing

Updated: Aug 24, 2021

Some people may think being a writer is a solo business, where you have no contact with others. Your books will be published and magically appear on bookshelves and be snapped up and the royalties will roll in. Unfortunately this is not the case.

As an early writer I shared my work in writing classes and with family and friends, eager to learn from their suggestions. I joined writing groups and became friends with a fellow writer, who has been a wonderful person to bounce ideas off.

When I set up my Facebook author page in April, I had the idea to use it to not only promote my own work, but to inspire other writers to continue their writing journeys.

I posted a thoughtful writing related post and titled it 'Monday Musing'. Subsequently I posted two more of these posts, all of which were, you guessed it, posted on a Monday.

My plan is to continue to post these musings whenever I find something that I hope writers and non writers can find entertaining or helpful or maybe even both.

With the use of Facebook groups, conferences, festivals, writers centres and groups, writers can now feel part of a community and no longer have to feel that their writing journey is a solo one.

Keep writing.

This image is from my second Monday Musing, it is never too late to start writing or start anything else for that matter.

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