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2022, a mixed bag, but we're not done yet.


A quick blog post to let everyone know that I am still here, but I sincerely apologise for my lack of presence this year.

The end of 2021 saw my dads health decline and we were sadly forced to put him into a care home. Then the start of 2022, as we all know, was influenced heavily by COVID-19. My mum and I decided to self lockdown, and dads home also went into lockdown with an outbreak through the staff.

February saw us gathering as much as possible, taking dad out, making up for lost time. I was finding my feet in a new job as a tutor and life seemed pretty good. Unfortunately in early March dad suffered a massive stroke and died a few days later. Apart from writing my eulogy, I have been unable to write until recently. My usually regular book reviews have also been absent and I sincerely apologise to all those authors who have sent books for me to review. I haven't forgotten and will get to them.

So now for some postive news.

I am thoroughly enjoying working as a tutor in English and Creative Writing. Recently I have begun writing again and the ideas are flowing freely. I attended my first Conflux, a speculative fiction writers' convention at the beginning of October in Canberra. I came away inspired and met some amazing fellow writers. I'm looking forward to next year.

Right after I arrived home, I released my third children's picture book The Christmas Door. This is a Christmas poem, inspired by my favourite time of the year.

I will be hosting a book sale for the first time in Sydney on the 27th November, 10am - 12pm. If you live in Sydeny, please come along and say hello.

I hope you have all been and well so far this year. 2022 is not over yet, so there3's still time to create a little bit of 2022 magic.

Happy reading and writing everyone.

Take care and stay safe.

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